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Board of Directors Nomination Form

Thank you for considering Board service for yourself or a team member. We are eager to meet you and build a pipeline of leadership talent for the years ahead. If you have any questions before completing this form, please reach out to any current Director or staff who can connect you or answer your questions.

The ACEC/NC Nominating committee will be accepting applications to fill five (5) Board of Directors positions for the coming 2025-2027 term which runs from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2027. The committee seeks to fill the following positions:

  • Three (3) Directors
  • One (1) Secretary/Treasurer
  • One (1) Vice President

These positions are vitally important to the mission of ACEC/NC. To be considered, the applicants must have prior leadership experience, have been in the engineering industry for at least 15 years, and have been employed by an ACEC/NC member firm for three (3) years. The nomination committee will give strong consideration to applicants with prior ACEC committee or subcommittee leadership experience, or board/committee leadership in a similar industry.

Up to six (6) applicants will be selected for interviews to fill the Board of Directors positions and up to four (4) applicants interviewed for officer positions. Interviews will be held at the ACEC/NC headquarters in Raleigh, NC on March 4 and March 5, 2025 and the committee will recommend a slate of candidates to the current Board of Directors who will then present selected candidates for election by the full membership of ACEC/NC.

Linked below is a Nomination Form to submit candidates for consideration; self-nominations will be accepted. Serving on the ACEC/NC Board of Directors is a commitment of time, resources, and energy for the good of the engineering community in North Carolina.

Please consider nominating someone worthy of this calling. Each individual nominated will be given careful consideration by the Nominating Committee, and will be advised of their decision prior to ballots going to member firms.

Deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, February 28th.

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